Warner Lakes Redband Trout Photography

The Warner Lakes Redband trout displays a red magenta band along its body.

Native only to a handful of small streams in the Northeast corner of California, these streams hold Warner Lakes Redband Trout.

Warner Lakes Redband Trout photographed underwater.

Warner Lakes redband trout look similar to Goose Lake redband trout. However, they are generally darker in color with an olive-hued dorsum (top of fish) fading to yellow along the sides. Spotting tends to be denser, especially below the lateral line. Warner Lakes redband trout display a purplish lateral line and operculum, as opposed to a brick red lateral line in McCloud River redband trout and a pinkish band in Goose Lake redband trout.

A Warner Lakes redband trout shows its color and spotting.

Given the small size of the creek, and a short time to feed, I marvel at the redbands in the high country. These native fish have perfectly tuned their genetics to survive in what appears to be the smallest of waters in the largest of landscapes.